Friday, July 24, 2009

B nice 2 us!!

This image says a lot. Not only do employers expect miracles to fly out of your butt every 30 minutes or so. But then you have customers. Now here is a "Love/hate relationship". You could literally do a 60 minute Jerry Springer episode & never hear the same excuse, blow off or tyrant twice.

Here are a couple that come up a couple of times in the 8 years I have been doing this:

1. Because of the economy I can't purchase. This is not valid. Because of the economy I have to call you over & over again to keep my job that barely doesn't pay my bills. Do you think you are the only business owner out there that is having troubles? Do U? huh? Do u?

2. Can I take a message? (once you start giving the number) Oh wait I need to get something to write on. Now I do feel thankful that the person offers this option. Trust me some don't. But I ask the masses "How were you going to take the message?" Are you capable of telepathically sending the message directly to the person in question? Highly doubt that one David Blane! By the sound of the inhaling of smoke I highly (heehee) don't think you are even going to remember this conversation, let alone ANY numbers, names or other vital information that the person I am calling for may need.

3. Do we owe you money? I love/hate this question as I bet the boss would also if he/she could over here this conversation. I would never think about asking a vendor "Do we owe you money?" How about "Is this concerning an invoice?" or "May I ask what this is regarding?" At this point I really wonder if this business is having financial troubles great even if I get an order, they will never make it pass credit or will never pay. BUMMER!!

Then there is the always wonderful combative shopkeeper/buyer/manager. REALLY does it make you feel better to berate us with your snide attitudes? I mean we are just doing our job!! Just remember I am the SAME person you will call back in about a month from now when you need something for YOUR open house, & it absolutely has to be there... yesterday!! I will take great amount of pleasure to say with a straight face:
"I am sorry Mame, we are currently 5-7 days out & unable to get this to by (insert date here)." I will even enjoy the next 10 to 15 minutes of listening to you call me every name there is, tell me how unappreciative I am to have THE BEST CUSTOMER on the phone & how you will never order with us again. Then I will hang up with you & blog about.

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