Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What is new around Baby Dz

"Why Grandma What BIG Eyelashes You Have!"

Well the new site is on it's way. So why am I here on my blogger, because I don't feel I get to talk enough on Baby Dz so I decided to continue the conversation here.

After googling everything I can think of, I then go to reading material. Newspapers, books, anything with small tidbits that my mind can be filled with. Well I stumbled upon an article regarding new luxuries due to the economy. One fad on the horizon, EYELASHES. Now I have worn theses on Halloween, but never day to day casual. I have extremely HUGE eyes + wear contacts + a dash of allergies = no extended periods of makeup = no false eyelashes.

Then I stumbled, neigh, fell thru the small bunny hole into the world of eyelashes. Even the white rabbit would suffer the wrath of the queen to take a second glance at these works of art. Skillful artists from around the world conjure mystic visions of waves crashing, crispy dead leaves and spring dew on cobwebs, then craft their visions to be wore on your eyelids.

For those with a little more restraint (or a day job) but still want to feel like Gabourey Sidibe on Oscar night, then might I suggest start at your local drugstore. I found them starting at $1.50 a pair. Of course these are the "put them on & they will fall off in the soup" or "End up on your upper lip" types of falsies. I did find a quaint little web kiosk that has 18 sets for $30. I think this is an awesome starter kit, since it will give you the ability to go from Sandra Bullock to Lady Gaga & all stops in between.
Above all else enjoy your accessories, whether it is a purse or eyelashes.

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of
somebody else. ~ Judy Garland

**Please note that these are my opinions. I may not have tried these products and I am not endorsing them. I merely see something,research & type away. If you have any questions or comments (Remember what your mother said "If you can't say something NICE, don't say nothing at all." Please post them. I would love to know YOUR opinion also.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

B nice 2 us!!

This image says a lot. Not only do employers expect miracles to fly out of your butt every 30 minutes or so. But then you have customers. Now here is a "Love/hate relationship". You could literally do a 60 minute Jerry Springer episode & never hear the same excuse, blow off or tyrant twice.

Here are a couple that come up a couple of times in the 8 years I have been doing this:

1. Because of the economy I can't purchase. This is not valid. Because of the economy I have to call you over & over again to keep my job that barely doesn't pay my bills. Do you think you are the only business owner out there that is having troubles? Do U? huh? Do u?

2. Can I take a message? (once you start giving the number) Oh wait I need to get something to write on. Now I do feel thankful that the person offers this option. Trust me some don't. But I ask the masses "How were you going to take the message?" Are you capable of telepathically sending the message directly to the person in question? Highly doubt that one David Blane! By the sound of the inhaling of smoke I highly (heehee) don't think you are even going to remember this conversation, let alone ANY numbers, names or other vital information that the person I am calling for may need.

3. Do we owe you money? I love/hate this question as I bet the boss would also if he/she could over here this conversation. I would never think about asking a vendor "Do we owe you money?" How about "Is this concerning an invoice?" or "May I ask what this is regarding?" At this point I really wonder if this business is having financial troubles great even if I get an order, they will never make it pass credit or will never pay. BUMMER!!

Then there is the always wonderful combative shopkeeper/buyer/manager. REALLY does it make you feel better to berate us with your snide attitudes? I mean we are just doing our job!! Just remember I am the SAME person you will call back in about a month from now when you need something for YOUR open house, & it absolutely has to be there... yesterday!! I will take great amount of pleasure to say with a straight face:
"I am sorry Mame, we are currently 5-7 days out & unable to get this to by (insert date here)." I will even enjoy the next 10 to 15 minutes of listening to you call me every name there is, tell me how unappreciative I am to have THE BEST CUSTOMER on the phone & how you will never order with us again. Then I will hang up with you & blog about.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

American Idol April 7, 2008

I missed last week. I suck big time, I know.

Ok, I hate "When they are born " week. There is a couple of reasons.

1. People think "Oh everyone loves me. I can sing anything I want." No this is not true.

2. Simon (& the rest of the panel) says You are being over indulged.

"Look it is a chicken" moment. The new Mcd's commercial had the phone guy. He just has a funny face.

1. Danny - I thought he sucked. I don't like him. I don't know the

2. Chris - It was just OK. He is cute.

3. Lil - Sucked.
4. Anoop - I liked it. Not my favorite Anoop song. I MISSED THE WHOLE FIGHT LAST WEEK...

5. Scott - Beginning was weak. Then the guitar started better. This song has so much love & there was nothing there. Luckily, it seemed like a fast song. There you go Paula he isn't behind a piano. Simon boring song? That is a GREAT song... if you can sing. People Scott can not sing. Stop voting for him.Ok on the payback. The worst playback on Scott I have ever seen. Pitchy, screaming, HORRIBLE!!They usually are able to make the worst people look good.

6. Allison - I love her. I can't believe she has been in the bottom so many times. I think she is the strongest singer her. Personally, I think it will be a great thing if she gets booted off AI cuz so one will pick her up instantly. Ok this song sucked but she sang it perfectly. Loved the shoes. I would kill myself in them. If she is in the bottom again this week I will be pissed. I think she might put people off with her shyness. I do think she reminds me ALOT of Kelly!!

7. Matt - AWESOME!! First I love this song. A usually don't like him. But he really is going on me. So far it is between Allison & Matt.
8. Adam - Gosh he has beautiful eyes. I love the beanie. that made him hot. The way he was sitting in the beginning was odd. Kinda looked like he was pooping while being abducted. Odd song. Very boring. Gay Paula shot. Very Nice that he is able to control his voice like that. He kinda looked like

Ok Ryan wrap up. Can he not wear something else? I did notice a picture of him looking extremely tasty. Hmmm.
Gibbles out!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AI 3/17

I want to say that on today's playbacks Michael was even more boring then I thought before.
?? Why does everyone hate on Anoop. I heard around the office last that no one cares for him. They like Danny. He is ok, just OK.
Are they lip singing? No one seemed to be singing tonight!!! Yeap they are lip singing. When they did a Megan close up you could tell. I think if you are going to lip sing you should have to announce it. At least do so more dancing.
One of the best ford music video yet... cheesy but good.
That was pretty cool to see the farewell dinner. Wow Alexis still looks like Dolly... looks it is a boobies!!
I hate the "How hard is it to be away from your family?" Why do they ask that!! Of course
1. Danny - Of course safe.
2. Lil - I am not sure... She does deserve another chance.
3. Anoop - Better be safe. WOW u do like him, you really really like him!!
4. Allison - Safe of course. WHAT!! Why is she in the bottom 3?!
5. Michael - What personality? Going home.
6. Scott - Still enough bad singers to stay. See.
7. Megan - ?? not sure. I think safe.
8. Matt - Safe. I didn't care for it.
9. Chris - Safe.
10. Alexis - Safe. WOW!!
11. Adam - Bottom 3 I bet. WOW!! I did not see this coming.
Brad Paisley he is good. God Ryan is short.
Allison is going back to sit. Waiting, waiting, see she is staying. Michael is so going home. Sorry.
I luv Carrie. She is totally a great Idol. I still luv my Kelly, but Carrie is 2nd. BAD OUTFIT!! She is roking it but what the hell is on her waist? I have always loved Randy's voice. Very original country. Very pretty. Oh I love her shoes. That was one of the best guest appearances on Idol!!
Ok here we go. Ryan please don't ask Paula anything. Let us get thru the last 7 minutes.
WHAT!! That is so wrong!! Why is he going thru. She did better but this was a bad choice. How can they save her on a tour? Then it will be the top 11... here we go... OMG this is going to suck because we are stuck with Scott and Michael...
Gibbles out!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

American Idol 3/17/09

How old is Randy Travis?? OMG he is only 49 yrs. He really looks like he is 80 years. Ok let's jump in...
1. Michael - I missed him but in the recap I noticed he seemed as boring as usually. He seems like a wet towel to me...
2. Allison - AWESOME!! So very Miley Cyrusish. I think she needs to take this week & use it to her advantage.
3. Kris - Good ballad. That's about it.
4. Lil Rounds - She sucked the big one. I understand she wanted to do a county song. BUT THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF COUNTRY SONGS!! What about a Dixie chicks, Taylor Swift, Sheryl Crow (she does have some songs that are classified as countryish)
5. Adam - Ok I loved it for my taste. It was very Love Guru, Twilight ish. But to be honest that was very disrespectful of the country week. I totally agree with Randy (dog not Travis).
6. Scott - SHUT UP PAULA!! I will tell you what I think. I think he doesn't choose songs that are up beat enough. I think the judges are being safe!! Just tell him... sing something that is not a ballad. maybe he should sing Meatloaf. How about an obvious choice and pick Ray charlesish songs or maybe a John Mayerish songs.
7. Alexis - OK I hope she rocks it cuz I love this song... lil 2 fast. That dress looked to big for her. OMG she totally does look like Dolly. I like her version but I do the miss the high pitches in the original & the White Stripes verse. Randy got it. Good job Kara.
8. Danny - I usually think he can at least sing. This week was so boring. Actually Kara it was more like "The beginning was boring & half way thru it was like here comes Danny, here comes Danny, Where the F&%k did Danny go!!" Simon were you listening to the same song as I was listening to. Jacket is horrible. Where are his friends to say "NO DON'T WEAR THAT."
9. Anoop - There was a couple of pitchy problems which actually enhanced it. That gave me goosebumps. Perfect song choice. Ok he did so good he made Simon go cheesy.
10. Megan - She was better then last week. But I still hated it. Ok she was sick. I will let her be then. I will say her DRESS WAS ROCKIN!! Simon every girl wants to look like she is going to the prom.
11. Matt -
Looks like the guy from "I love u man" Jason Segal heehee. Ok, This was ok. Just ok. Not good not bad. I just don't see him going farther then 2 more weeks. Ok he was better then Michael, Scott and Lil.

I want to say that they did a very good job this week. I am enjoying Idol again!! Thanks!
Gibbles out!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

AI Results 3/11

I am not ready for tonight. After last night, I really want this to go a little faster.

1. Ryan redeemed himself with tonight's outfit.

2. I am tired of them changing Idol. They totally jumping the shark this season. Soon they are going to have egg races between Kara & Paula for outfits, because I know Paula wore that one too, Kara. Stop stealing her clothes.

Riddle me this batman... Why did they add the new clause? I mean America rejects you, then the judges reject you. Then Ryan makes you watch everything you got to do & what you are going to be missing now that you are going back to your broke uneventful life. Thanks guys!!

I don't like this song by Kayne. I do like the outfit. B doesn't. He is wearing the exact same jean jacket as the infamous ugly outfit picture. She reminds me of the chick in love with Flava flav.

Kelly looks great as always. Yes she wears heavy very well. No I am not going Jessica Simpson. (BTY, Jessica didn't look horrible, it was a horrible outfit!!! That belt was nasty!! The jeans were a hideous cut, everything was wrong.) Kelly has always been the original & BEST Idol. I mean perfect songs, good messages, great body type. She is still able to give me goosebumps. She sounds awesome on stage!! OK I am done.

Ok let's go over the bottom contestants:
1. Jasmine vs. Megan - Jasmine has a beautiful face, very commercial, strong voice, she gets up on a stage & you wait for it, wait for it AANNNDD she is done. You feel very that's it. Then there is Megan. Pretty face, almost angelic and there starts the problem. If you have ever met a perfect person, you will find yourself wanting to bash their head in. Let's not forget the nanny last year. We revisited her earlier in the season. Her name has been banished from my house. But Megan has a tattoo so you say "How she not so perfect. I want to like her. I want to enjoy her wonderful voice." She does have a wonderful voice. But there is something in it, that once again makes me want to beat her about the face. Then she sang that song. This was a hard/easy call. Hard cause I couldn't pick between the 2. Easy cause you wouldn't lose either way.
2. Anoop vs. Jorge - Anoop you SANG BEAT IT!! Fin. Jorge you sang an undecipherable verse of an MJ song. you might as well pee'd on the flag. Sorry you got to go!!
And so do I... Gibbles out!!