Wednesday, March 11, 2009

AI Results 3/11

I am not ready for tonight. After last night, I really want this to go a little faster.

1. Ryan redeemed himself with tonight's outfit.

2. I am tired of them changing Idol. They totally jumping the shark this season. Soon they are going to have egg races between Kara & Paula for outfits, because I know Paula wore that one too, Kara. Stop stealing her clothes.

Riddle me this batman... Why did they add the new clause? I mean America rejects you, then the judges reject you. Then Ryan makes you watch everything you got to do & what you are going to be missing now that you are going back to your broke uneventful life. Thanks guys!!

I don't like this song by Kayne. I do like the outfit. B doesn't. He is wearing the exact same jean jacket as the infamous ugly outfit picture. She reminds me of the chick in love with Flava flav.

Kelly looks great as always. Yes she wears heavy very well. No I am not going Jessica Simpson. (BTY, Jessica didn't look horrible, it was a horrible outfit!!! That belt was nasty!! The jeans were a hideous cut, everything was wrong.) Kelly has always been the original & BEST Idol. I mean perfect songs, good messages, great body type. She is still able to give me goosebumps. She sounds awesome on stage!! OK I am done.

Ok let's go over the bottom contestants:
1. Jasmine vs. Megan - Jasmine has a beautiful face, very commercial, strong voice, she gets up on a stage & you wait for it, wait for it AANNNDD she is done. You feel very that's it. Then there is Megan. Pretty face, almost angelic and there starts the problem. If you have ever met a perfect person, you will find yourself wanting to bash their head in. Let's not forget the nanny last year. We revisited her earlier in the season. Her name has been banished from my house. But Megan has a tattoo so you say "How she not so perfect. I want to like her. I want to enjoy her wonderful voice." She does have a wonderful voice. But there is something in it, that once again makes me want to beat her about the face. Then she sang that song. This was a hard/easy call. Hard cause I couldn't pick between the 2. Easy cause you wouldn't lose either way.
2. Anoop vs. Jorge - Anoop you SANG BEAT IT!! Fin. Jorge you sang an undecipherable verse of an MJ song. you might as well pee'd on the flag. Sorry you got to go!!
And so do I... Gibbles out!!

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