Thursday, March 5, 2009


Ok let's start with Paula... Please don't take the pills till after you leave the building. Ok guys you make us watch 2 hours of horrible singing, then you make us watch Paula melt on stage. Simon, I will go to court to testify that you were assaulted!!
OK now Tatiana. She can sing, I am serious she totally can see. But this is American Idol, do we want girls running around mimicking her? Sybil didn't have as many personalities. Second was it just me or didn't she put on TONS OF WEIGHT!! maybe it was all of the sequins seemed to have put 50 lbs on each leg. OMG then the whole "I am not leaving!! I am going to stand here at the podium until you let me thru." I think I would be watching her.

I LOVE ANOOP!! I usually always agree with Simon. This time I don't... he ROCKED IT!! Singing Bobby Brown. Come on. Who picks Bobby. Ok Whitney did but after the whole "dig poop out of my butt..." He kinda lost some points with me.
Oh yes... Ryan, baby boy, PLEASE, PLEASE do not wear that outfit again. It is to 70's, Saturday Night fever for me.
I do want to say I luv Megan!! She is awesome. Maybe not for Idol. I didn't like her makeup tonight. She was Marilyn Manson.
1st pick: YES
2nd pick: YES
Heehee Ryan said "STOOL"!!
3rd pick: NO
OMG MY ANOOP MADE IT!! I was pissed for a second. I was going to write nasty things but I was happily surprised...
OK now on to my favorite chef... Ramsey's accent is hot.

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