Tuesday, March 3, 2009

American Idol 3/3/09

Tracy Chapman, ABBA, MEAT M&*%$RF@#KIN LOAF!! OK I do have that song on my Zune right now. I am totally serious I have Meatloaf on my Zune... This is the most beautiful love song of all time.
But why would you sit there & say "I can sing well enough to beat out 100 of 1,000s of contestant, I know I will sing the most unknown (for a reason) ABBA song." Yes that's what the f*&k.
OK I can't sing at all. Ok that is a lie I can sing to my daughter, but she asks me to stop sometimes too.
How many people have sung Alicia Keyes on Idol? I am not sure I googled then my ADD kicked in & got bored... OK What was up with the band tonight... the horrible singers are sounding better then the band. Don;t get me wrong, I AM A BAND LOVER!! But not so good tonight.
I mainly wanted an excuse to look up the meatloaf video.
Oh did you see the terror in Simon's eyes when Ryan was putting the beautiful sparkly headband on? Really would YOU want random people's headbands on? I know the judges, producers, etc want you to think that everyone is a BIG family, but this is not true. RYAN THAT IS NASTY.
OK now the weekly things I say during Idol.
1. Ok Ryan is hot... It is the whole Alfie thing. Ok I am done.
2. Paula shut up. They need to put a 5 second on her mouth. Like she can keep talking but it has to go thru a filter. Anything not applicable then you hear the song "Rush".
3. 2 hours. Come on I LOVE my idol & I will kinda watch. I think this is the last week at 2 hours. Please remember we don't like change.
4. I love the Tina Mcbride song but after Pickler I CAN NOT do another "I am from the south & will twang you to death!!!
5. I love Simon 95% off the time. The black shirts, the horribly worsening British accents & the lovely looks pasted between Simone & Ryan. Oh sorry that is my own fantasy..
I do have piece of advice for all of these people that are not use being up on a stage. Go to a high school beauty pageant. Watch the girls when they sing. They get so into the song sometimes they forgot they are not standing in a shower or sing for her family at grandma's 80th bday party.
Stage presents is alot on TV. It is actually fun that there is a shoe (heehee I meant SHOW!!) on TV to find a star that is mainly going to be on the radio!!
In conclusion I can not wait till we go back to the real idol. 1 hour shows & then 1/2 hour result show.

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