Tuesday, March 17, 2009

American Idol 3/17/09

How old is Randy Travis?? OMG he is only 49 yrs. He really looks like he is 80 years. Ok let's jump in...
1. Michael - I missed him but in the recap I noticed he seemed as boring as usually. He seems like a wet towel to me...
2. Allison - AWESOME!! So very Miley Cyrusish. I think she needs to take this week & use it to her advantage.
3. Kris - Good ballad. That's about it.
4. Lil Rounds - She sucked the big one. I understand she wanted to do a county song. BUT THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF COUNTRY SONGS!! What about a Dixie chicks, Taylor Swift, Sheryl Crow (she does have some songs that are classified as countryish)
5. Adam - Ok I loved it for my taste. It was very Love Guru, Twilight ish. But to be honest that was very disrespectful of the country week. I totally agree with Randy (dog not Travis).
6. Scott - SHUT UP PAULA!! I will tell you what I think. I think he doesn't choose songs that are up beat enough. I think the judges are being safe!! Just tell him... sing something that is not a ballad. maybe he should sing Meatloaf. How about an obvious choice and pick Ray charlesish songs or maybe a John Mayerish songs.
7. Alexis - OK I hope she rocks it cuz I love this song... lil 2 fast. That dress looked to big for her. OMG she totally does look like Dolly. I like her version but I do the miss the high pitches in the original & the White Stripes verse. Randy got it. Good job Kara.
8. Danny - I usually think he can at least sing. This week was so boring. Actually Kara it was more like "The beginning was boring & half way thru it was like here comes Danny, here comes Danny, Where the F&%k did Danny go!!" Simon were you listening to the same song as I was listening to. Jacket is horrible. Where are his friends to say "NO DON'T WEAR THAT."
9. Anoop - There was a couple of pitchy problems which actually enhanced it. That gave me goosebumps. Perfect song choice. Ok he did so good he made Simon go cheesy.
10. Megan - She was better then last week. But I still hated it. Ok she was sick. I will let her be then. I will say her DRESS WAS ROCKIN!! Simon every girl wants to look like she is going to the prom.
11. Matt -
Looks like the guy from "I love u man" Jason Segal heehee. Ok, This was ok. Just ok. Not good not bad. I just don't see him going farther then 2 more weeks. Ok he was better then Michael, Scott and Lil.

I want to say that they did a very good job this week. I am enjoying Idol again!! Thanks!
Gibbles out!!

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